Look At Me, single channel video projection, charcoal on paper, and fur on chicken wire and wood, 16' x 12' x 4'

I Wanna Eat You Up, graphite on paper, 7' x 5'

Death Mask For Mom-mom, ink on acrylic and single channel video projection, 1' x 1' (acrylic) and 3' x 5' (video projection)

Little Chicken, C-41 print, wallet

Eulogy For Dad, digital print on aluminum, 5' 7" x 3'

You Were Holding Me In California While My Grandfather Was Dying In Maryland, single channel video projection, 3' x 5'

I Hit My Sister With A Bat (A Therapist Told Me To Do It), single channel video on monitor, 3' x 5'

Baby On Fire, single channel video projection, 8' x 6'

I Heart My Sister's Vagina, t-shirt