Leather, foam, motor, pins, 11.5' x 10' x 4'
Leather, foam, motor, pins, 11.5' x 10' x 4'

The Blob

“Technologies are not so much an extension or an appendage to the human body, but are incorporated, assimilated into its very structures. The contours of human bodies are redrawn:  they no longer end at the skin.”


-Elaine L. Graham, Representations of the Post/Human: Monsters, Aliens and Others in Popular Culture


The Blob is a nearly 12’ tall sculpture of an obese human-like form. The folds of skin and fleshy craters make for a simultaneously abstract and recognizable figure. Filling the gallery from floor to ceiling, The Blob expands visually through the roof and physically across the room in motorized breathing puddles. With limbs and torso fitting together like a doll, the figure’s gray leather skin is also pieced together, resulting in a form both cohesive and fractal. Like a digital 3D model come to life, The Blob’s expanse obstructs gallery visitors, forcing them to navigate around this looming, spreading mass.


The Blob was shown in a solo exhibition at elephant in Los Angeles, CA, March 2017.